Sunday, May 19, 2019

Photos Of The Vietnam War: The Real Story  David Ralph Retuya

The Vietnam War is one of the most bloody and controversial wars in U.S history. To stop the rapid spread of the Soviet political influence and communism, the U.S primarily waged this as a proxy war. It led to the deaths of 2.5 to 3.5 million Vietnamese and 60,000 Americans, and it destroyed Vietnam. It went on for 20 agonizing years, from 1955 to 1975.
All Hearts Mourn

The Vietnam War was a reality that no one asked for; it was a distortion of what the world wanted. People kept losing important individuals and comrades on a daily basis. It brought a pain that no one could get used to, no matter how frequently it happened. The image shown above is an obvious depiction of mourning soldiers.

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