Sunday, December 30, 2018


Battalion Commander-JIM TURANO
                      VIETNAM VETERAN AND FOUNDER

                          Founded December 30, 2018

At a time of uncertainty, and many irrational statements, tweets, and by his own actions, our President is not displaying the leadership of his position as President of the United States of America. We are facing serious times here and around the World, and his decision making is not anywhere close to normal. So until he is removed from the Whitehouse, stripped of his authority, his clearances of security, and replaced by an acceptable human being to act as our leader this Battalion had to be formed. We are Veterans who volunteered to be a part of an organization to assist Our Government, State, and City authorities including our Police departments, the FBI, and the CIA in any matter of crisis forthcoming in the future. We as an organization shall show all Americans that we bring security and hope to our citizens across America. If we have learned from the past then we must be ready for the future.
It is my intention to keep people informed, show our presence and support every American from every State in the Union, that we will never be overtaken by any foreign Government, or groups who want to cause harm to others in this great Country of ours.

There is no application fee or any dues for Volunteering to become one of our Patriotic members. We accept all Veterans from any branch of service, including Veterans who are currently disabled. Together we all can assist and help via telephone, e-mail alerts, and for those still able to function, attend, or even travel, we can make our presence felt to other Americans.

United we stand and enough with dismantling our Democracy, spreading hatred, and trying to put wedges between all Americans.

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